上周通过一个例子让大家大致了解了sqlmap 如何添加以及修改payload,本周就让我们通过完整地学习sqlmap与payload有关的xml文件下的payload文件,我们都知道sqlmap有6大探测注入类型的技术,分别是

  • U: UNION query SQL injection(可联合查询注入)
  • E: Error-based SQL injection(报错型注入)
  • B: Boolean-based blind SQL injection(布尔型注入)
  • T: Time-based blind SQL injection(基于时间延迟注入)
  • S: Stacked queries SQL injection(可多语句查询注入)
  • Q:Inline queries(嵌套查询注入)通过参数–technique来指定sqlmap使用的探测技术,默认情况下会测试所有的方式。简单说下5大探测技术的思想为下面讲payload做铺垫。

1.UNION query SQL injection(可联合查询注入)

联合查询简单来说就是通过union关键字将多条查询语句拼接在一起,并且把查询结果作为一个结果以一个表格的形式输出到页面,需要注意的是查询语句要符合1.相同列数2.相似的数据类型3.相同的编码。示例语句:-1′ union select 1,(select user()),(select version())–+,如果 查询结果无法返回到页面,则就需要考虑盲注。

2.Error-based SQL injection(报错型注入)

报错注入的核心思想是通过数据库的“人性化的报错定位机制”将我们要查询的数据通过报错的方式直接回显到页面上来,示例语句:’ and (extractvalue(1,concat(0x7e,(select user()),0x7e)))–+,当然如果报错的数据不能回显到页面上来,就无法使用报错注入,这时候我们就可以考虑是否存在盲注。

3.Boolean-based blind SQL injection(布尔型注入)

布尔盲注的核心思想就是通过判断两种不同的页面状态来进一步推断注入语句是否被执行以及数据是否存在。示例语句:1′ and database() regexp ‘^1′ –+,当我们输入的注入语句无法通过回显以及报错的方式来获取数据,这时候就可能存在盲注,通过判断有跟没有、对或错来判断regexp 是否匹配到数据了。

4.Time-based blind SQL injection(基于时间延迟注入)

如果在测试的时候发现都不存在前面三种所说的注入,那就有可能是时间盲注,时间盲注的特点是无回显,无报错,也没有多种页面状态。这时候就需要通过增加sleep()函数来判断注入语句的执行,而布尔则是根据页面的对错来判断。示例语句:1′ and sleep(5)–+ 如果sleep则说明存在时间盲注

5.Stacked queries SQL injection(可多语句查询注入)


6.Inline queries(内联查询注入)















最终的payload = where + boundary.prefix+test.payload+boundary.suffix,影响最终payload的生成主要由<clause,<where标签决定的,当且仅当某个boundary元素的where节点的值包含test元素的子节点where的值,clause节点的值包含test元素的子节点的clause的值时候,该boundary才能和当前的test匹配生成最终的payload。经过测试发现除了这两个文件决定最终payload的生成,还包括sqlmap使用的注入方式以及payload使用的查询语句有关。如果把这两个文件比作两个集合,生成的payload比作两个集合的映射,则这两个集合之间的映射关系是多对多的关系。


guanxi 2.png


下面我们就具体来这两个文件下,具体每个标签的作用,首先来看 boundaries.xml文件吧,下图所示的是一个完整的<boundary模板里面分别定义了<level,<clause,<where,<ptype,<prefix,<suffix六个标签。



Sub-tag: <level
From which level check for this test.
Valid values:
  1: Always (<100 requests)
  2: Try a bit harder (100-200 requests)
  3: Good number of requests (200-500 requests)
  4: Extensive test (500-1000 requests)
  5: You have plenty of time (1000 requests)



Sub-tag: <clause
In which clause the payload can work.
NOTE: for instance, there are some payload that do not have to betested as soon as it has been identified whether or not the injection is within a WHERE clause condition.
Valid values:
            0: Always
            1: WHERE / HAVING
            2: GROUP BY
            3: ORDER BY
            4: LIMIT
            5: OFFSET
            6: TOP
            7: Table name
            8: Column name
            9: Pre-WHERE (non-query)
 A comma separated list of these values is also possible.



Sub-tag: <where
Where to add our '<prefix <payload<comment <suffix' string.
        Valid values:
            1: When the value of <test's <where is 1.
            2: When the value of <test's <where is 2.
            3: When the value of <test's <where is 3.
      A comma separated list of these values is also possible.



    Sub-tag: <ptype
        What is the parameter value type.
        Valid values:
            1: Unescaped numeric #数字型,输入语句中的参数不需要加入
            2: Single quoted string #单引号的字符型
            3: LIKE single quoted string #like+单引号
            4: Double quoted string #双引号
            5: LIKE double quoted string #like+双引号

举个栗子来说:假设如下查询语句?id=1' union SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE City='Beijing'--+其中?id=1后面的单引号是由前缀标签定义的,–+是由后缀标签定义的,而中间语句所要使用的字符则是由<ptype标签定义的,简单来说就是参数的类型。


Sub-tag: <prefix
 A string to prepend to the payload.ad.

注入语句的前缀定义了注入中常用到闭合或者注释的字符,例如 右括号),单引号加右括号’),两个右括号))等等。


Sub-tag: <suffix
 A string to append to the payload.



一个完整的test payload模板:部分截图如下



    Sub-tag: <title
        Title of the test..


    Sub-tag: <stype
        SQL injection family type.

        Valid values:
            1: Boolean-based blind SQL injection
            2: Error-based queries SQL injection
            3: Inline queries SQL injection
            4: Stacked queries SQL injection
            5: Time-based blind SQL injection
            6: UNION query SQL injection


    Sub-tag: <level
        From which level check for this test.

        Valid values:
            1: Always (<100 requests)
            2: Try a bit harder (100-200 requests)
            3: Good number of requests (200-500 requests)
            4: Extensive test (500-1000 requests)
            5: You have plenty of time (1000 requests)


    Sub-tag: <risk
        Likelihood of a payload to damage the data integrity.
        Valid values:
            1: Low risk
            2: Medium risk
            3: High risk


Sub-tag: <clause
In which clause the payload can work.
NOTE: for instance, there are some payload that do not have to be
tested as soon as it has been identified whether or not the
 injection is within a WHERE clause condition.
Valid values:
            0: Always
            1: WHERE / HAVING
            2: GROUP BY
            3: ORDER BY
            4: LIMIT
            5: OFFSET
            6: TOP
            7: Table name
            8: Column name
            9: Pre-WHERE (non-query)
A comma separated list of these values is also possible.


Sub-tag: <where
Where to add our '<prefix <payload<comment <suffix' string.
Valid values:
1: Append the string to the parameter original value
2: Replace the parameter original value with a negative random
               integer value and append our string
3: Replace the parameter original value with our string

<where为每个payload<prefix <payload<comment <suffix要插入的位置

Sub-tag: <vector
  The payload that will be used to exploit the injection point.


    Sub-tag: <request
        What to inject for this test.


Sub-tag: <payload
            The payload to test for.


Sub-tag: <comment
 Comment to append to the payload, before the suffix.


Sub-tag: <char
Character to use to bruteforce number of columns in UNIONquery SQL injection tests.


Sub-tag: <columns
Range of columns to test for in UNION query SQL injection tests.


    Sub-tag: <response
        How to identify if the injected payload succeeded.


Sub-tag: <comparison
Perform a request with this string as the payload and compare
the response with the <payload response. Apply the comparison
NOTE: useful to test for boolean-based blind SQL injections.


Sub-tag: <grep
Regular expression to grep for in the response body.
NOTE: useful to test for error-based SQL injection.e.


Sub-tag: <time
Time in seconds to wait before the response is returned
NOTE: useful to test for time-based blind and stacked queries
SQL injections.


Sub-tag: <union
Calls unionTest() function.
NOTE: useful to test for UNION query (inband) SQL injection.


Sub-tag: <details
   Which details can be infered if the payload succeed.


Sub-tags: <dbms
 What is the database management system (e.g. MySQL).


Sub-tags: <dbms_version
 What is the database management system version (e.g. 5.0.51).


Sub-tags: <os
 What is the database management system underlying operating





